Research articles on the biological effects of electromagnetic frequencies (EMF)

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“A new scientific truth is not usually presented in a way to convince its opponents. Rather, they die off, and a rising generation is familiarized with the truth from the start.” 
– Max Planck, Originator of Quantum Theory and Nobel Prize winner in Physics

2,300 studies by the US Navy showing biological impacts of EMF: Naval Medical Research Institute 2300 Studies on EMF Health Effects

2016 NTP study preliminary results showing that cell phone radiation causes cancer and DNA damage in rats. This $25 million study is the gold standard of EMF research and makes it clear that our current wireless safety standards do not adequately protect the public. This new study by the prestigious Ramazzini Institute in Italy has confirmed the tumor results of the NTP study.

Sperm damage was found in 21 of 27 studies reviewed in this 2016 meta-study. Multiple studies in this group also found DNA within the sperm. The mechanism is thought to be mitochondria dysfunction leading to elevated ROS production. This 2017 study also shows how low-frequency magnetic fields can increase the risk of miscarriage.

2017 meta-analysis performed in the EU looking at 24 major brain tumor studies (24,000 cases vs 50,000 controls) shows a significantly higher risk of brain tumors after 10 years of mobile phone use.

2017 meta-analysis published in Nature showing an increase in headaches for mobile phone users.

German report on 878 Russian studies from 1960-1997 regarding the health effects of EMF. This report was buried by the German government as soon as it was published because of the consequences of its findings.

“Captured Agency” report on how the FCC is completely dominated by the wireless industry that it supposedly regulates. Published June 2015 by investigative journalist Norm Alster and the Harvard University Center for Ethics. Mr. Alster also wrote about the Dot Com Crash and the 2008 Financial Crisis before they happened. Click for free PDF or Kindle versions.

The above difference is not statistically possible without corrupted science.

2017 study showing 2.45 GHz WiFi significantly impacts the endocrine system of young rats, particularly the pancreas. The study showed that “serum glucose, lipase and amylase levels were higher in the EMR group, and the results were significant, indicating both endocrine and exocrine cell damage.” You can view the study results here.

2015 study showing that 2.45 GHz WiFi may be accepted as one of the major risk factors for brain tumors and other neurodegenerative diseases: Effects of 2.4 GHz WiFi on microRNA Brain Tissue

2015 study showing 2.45 GHz WiFi decreases sperm function. Researchers conclude that “there should be major concern regarding the exposure to Wi-Fi networks existing in the vicinity of our living places.”

Harvard Pediatric Neurologist states dangers of Wi-Fi in classrooms and potential autism link: Harvard Pediatrician EMF Dangers for Children

Research article by Dr. Carl Blackman showing that frequency modulation (not the carrier wave) is the primary reason for non-thermal biological effects: Dr. Carl Blackman Modulation 2009 Paper

Comprehensive German data bank of global EMF research showing biological effects of RF/EMF:

2015 paper showing that polarized EMF (man-made) is much more biologically active than non-polarized EMF (natural sources such as infrared, ultraviolet and visible light from the sun):

2015 paper showing that rabbits experience heart arrhythmia and increased blood pressure when exposed with 2.4 GHz WiFi:

Long-term study from Swedish scientist Lennart Hardell (published October 2014) on glioma and acoustic neuroma brain tumors showing that RF is carcinogenic. The scientist calls for RF to be labeled an IARC Class 1 Carcinogen  (meaning definitely carcinogenic to humans) and recommends urgent revision to safety guidelines.

2011 study by Nora Volkow showing that cell phone radiation increases brain glucose metabolism in areas next to antenna. Increased glucose metabolism is associated with cancer. Study shows that biological changes occur at levels lower than FCC guidelines.

2015 Study by leading industry RF scientist shows that 3G GSM cell phone technology causes cancer in animals:

Mechanism for non-thermal EMF cellular damage confirmed: EMF Effects via Voltage Gated Calcium Channels Dr Martin Pall

The above graphic shows the mechanism by which EMF can cause DNA damage without the heating (thermal) effect of cells. This mechanism was found in 17 different studies and is essentially a smoking-gun that shows EMF can cause serious damage at levels far below government safety standards.

2012 BioInitiative Report – References 1,900 new studies showing biological impacts from non-thermal EMF:

2014 Japanese study showing significant decrease in clinical symptoms of building residents once the cell tower was removed from the location.

2002 letter from EPA stating that FCC guidelines do not cover long-term, chronic, non-thermal microwave radiation exposures (that which we are exposed to every day by consumer wireless devices). It confirms that FCC guidelines only relate to damage from heating (thermal) effects: EPA Letter Stating FCC Guideliness are only based on Thermal Effects

World Health Organization and IARC classifies microwave radiation as a “possible carcinogen” – May 31, 2011:

Sufficient evidence exists for microwave radiation to be labeled a definite carcinogen (presentation by Dr. Anthony Miller):

Internal FDA memo from 1993 states that data “strongly suggests” that microwave radiation promotes cancer:

Swisscom admits elevated risk of cancer and genetic damage from Wi-Fi:

Motorola has “war-gamed” the science since 1994:

Nokia has held patents since 1998 that would reduce the irradiation of cell phone users – but did not utilize the technology:

Ford Motor Company commissioned this study in 1965 which shows the numerous damaging biological effects of microwave radiation. It notes in particular how damaging microwave radiation is to the central nervous system.

1994 U.S. Air Force study confirming existence of non-thermal EMF effects, including alterations to the central nervous system and cardiovascular system: Air Force Study showing non-thermal effects

Declassified 1976 Defense Intelligence Agency report showing that military personnel exposed to non-thermal microwave radiation experienced “headaches, fatigue, dizziness, irritability, sleeplessness, depression, anxiety, forgetfulness and lack of concentration.” Defense Intelligence Agency 1976 Report on Biological Effects of EMF

Australian research agency collection of RF research from government agencies around the world:

This video shows the biological impact of FCC guidelines that do not consider non-thermal effects of EMF pollution.

Dr. Paul Dart gives smart meter presentation outlining how inadequate FCC rules regulating microwave radiation are:

Australian study showing health effects of wireless smart meters:

Survey of 210 respondents whose health was harmed by smart meters:

52 Medical Doctors and Researchers respond to industry PR that “smart” meters are safe:

Red blood cells are affected by microwave radiation from wireless smart meters:

Report warning about Smart Meters by Santa Cruz Public Health Advisor, Poki Namkung, MD:

UK Department of Health concerned about cancer risks associated with wireless “smart” meters:

Graph with 67 studies that show health effects well below government limits and the corresponding effects of smart meters – See the following PDF, as well as the graphic:

Ron Powell Smart Meter Report

The above graphic shows that 67 peer-reviewed, repeated studies show significant health issues (e.g. cancer, tumors, infertility) at levels far below the government safety standards (gray line). The yellow line is what the standards should be if public safety is considered.

Brain cancer rates have doubled in Denmark the past 10 years:

Swedish brain cancer rates have increased 30% since 2008:

Thousands of studies showing links between EMF pollution and biological effects – studies are noted for showing effects or showing no effect:

1981 NASA paper showing numerous health affects from non-thermal electromagnetic fields. NASA report on EMF effects on human body

“Electromagnetism and Life” book by Robert O. Becker:  Robert O. Becker and Andrew A. Marino 1982 Electromagnetism and Life

Collection of over 6,000 studies showing biological impacts from EMF pollution:

Journal of Neuroscience double-blind study showing evidence of electro-hypersensitivity (EHS):

2016 Study showing that Nocebo response is not an adequate explanation of EHS in many cases:   Read full study here.

Proposed statement on electromagnetic hypersensitivity by the European Economic and Social Committee:

Study shows Secondhand Radiation from Cell Phones is Considerable:

Rebuttal by Dr. Carlo on the recent Danish cell phone study that states cell phones are safe:

New study calls for cell phone radiation to be considered human carcinogen:

Italian Supreme Court rules that brain tumor is caused by cell phone:

Children’s brains absorb much higher amounts of microwave radiation than adults because of their thinner skulls. Their nervous systems are also easily damaged by EMF because they do not yet have the protection afforded by nerve cell myelination.

Summary of how EMF pollution affects each system of our body:

Use of fluorescent lighting leading to an increase in eye disease in developed countries:

Bee Colony Collapse Disorder (CCD) can be partially explained by the increased microwave radiation in our environment from wireless technologies the past decade – a new study out of Switzerland:

Governments and organizations that ban or warn against wireless technology:

Chart showing numerous health effects from laptop and iPad radiation:

Dr. Franz Adlkofer – Austrian Reflex Study showing genetic damage from cell phone microwave radiation – results were suppressed (see following video and Reflex graphic):

This study from Austria shows that 24 hours of mobile phone radiation causes as much DNA damage as 1,600 chest x-rays. The results were so damaging to the wireless industry that the scientist, Dr. Franz Aldkofer, was attacked from many angles. The results still stand though.

High school students in Denmark show how Wi-Fi affects biology:

Research on the health effects of cell phone masts/towers:

10 of 14 studies who significant biological effects from living next to a cell phone tower: Click here for studies.

Peer reviewed, double-blind studies showing that electro-sensitivity is caused by wireless technologies: &

Smart Meters – Separating Fact from Fiction:

American Society of Environmental Medicine warns of health effects from EMF and RF radiation:

This presentation by Dr. Martin Pall in Norway November 2014 shows that our understanding of the health effects of weak EMF’s is about to completely change.

The following are some of the top organizations in the world working to protect humanity:

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