What about human rights when it comes to monstrosities in your suburb

by Viwe Tyolwana Social TV

The erection of a huge cell phone mast on a private residential property in Linden, Johannesburg has evoked mixed feelings among residents of this trendy and beloved suburb.

Dr Marlena Kruger, a resident of Linden and Integrated Wellness Practitioner and Techno-life coach, is one of the residents who is convinced that this is a violation of our human rights.

“With Human Rights Day around the corner, we must ask whether all of us must embrace all types of technology, irrespective of its harmful effects on our brain and body and therefore our wellness?

“This is surely a serious case of violation of our human rights, where the Nuremberg Code is not on the table, nor the responsibility for our authorities and government to look after their citizens’ health and safety and protect them against harmful actions of businesses and associated industries,” says Dr Kruger.

“I’m convinced we are now, more than ever before, at a human-technology tipping point, where we’ll have to think more critically and make better informed and digitally wise choices.” This was also Dr Kruger’s core message during her TEDx talk in December 2019.

“The most important question to ask is how can we respond appropriately to prevent a similar situation from happening almost overnight on your property or next-door neighbour?”

Further questions are: Were all protocols followed before the erection of the cell phone mast? Do people acknowledge and believe that there is a huge negative impact on people’s health and well-being when being exposed to the exponential increase in the exposure to unnatural, pulsed EMF radiation in our direct environment? And what about the aesthetics and devaluation of properties directly adjacent to this cell phone mast on 7th Street? (Photo and poster of resident attached.)

According to Dr Kruger, who is also a director of the TechnoLife Wise Foundation, electro-pollution is, confirmed by leading EMF scientists globally (www.emfscientist.org), one of the biggest environmental risks nowadays. Although many people, politicians and the telecom industry as a whole ignore these risks, because of their focus on increased business opportunities and growing the economy, or calm us down with their industry-related information and research statistics, there are hundreds of independent scientific studies already confirming that there are real medical and health risks associated with this tremendous increase in the harmful, unnatural EMF radiation, even if they are classified as non-ionising radiation.

Swisscom admitted (https://www.avaate.org/spip.php?article2061), already in 2004, when they applied for registering a patent to protect people against more harmful wireless radiation, that low energy EMF radiation coming from e.g., cell phones, masts and Wi-Fi pose a real health risk to all people, and especially children whose skulls and bodies are so much thinner and smaller than those of adults. This is also supported by research done by Dr Devra Davis and her team, confirming these realities (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BwyDCHf5iCY).

According to Dr Kruger, it seems that many residents chose to stay neutral or do not get too involved when one of the nearby residents compiled a petition and received 26 signatures some time ago. “Only one next-door resident received a notice 18 months ago about an application to move the building line closer to their boundary for the erection of the mast. Apparently, they sent in their comments and gave reasons against the erection of the mast on the border of their property, but to no avail and no communication to acknowledge receipt thereof or any response from the relevant authorities.”

“We urgently need legislation that will protect our citizens and especially our children,” says Mr Braam Botha, a human rights and environmental attorney who is busy with his doctoral degree on this topic. In his thesis, he is comparing the current legislation of 17 other countries worldwide who has lowered the minimum exposure levels that are recommended by the WHO and ICNIRP-organisations.

What about human rights when it comes to monstrosities in your suburb
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