
Help! How can we turn the tide on Screen Addiction? 

Source: Let us stand up and take hands to ensure our children are flourishing in the digital age! Again, South Africa is the nation with the worst screen time in the world! This is according to the new Electronics Hub Internet usage report. We are at the top of the charts with spending 56,8% […]

Help! How can we turn the tide on Screen Addiction?  Read More »

Help! How can we turn the tide on Screen Addiction? Let us stand up and take hands to ensure our children are flourishing in the digital age!

Again, South Africa is the nation with the worst screen time in the world! This is according to the new Electronics Hub Internet usage report. We are at the top of the charts with spending 56,8% of our awake time in front of screens – 9 hours 24 minutes. We are also at the top

Help! How can we turn the tide on Screen Addiction? Let us stand up and take hands to ensure our children are flourishing in the digital age! Read More »

Selfoonverslawing “soortgelyk aan dwelms”

Bron: Die wêreld is toenemend vasgevang in ʼn wurggreep van digitale verslawing. En dit is veral die jeug se deelname en die uitwerkinghiervan op die mensdom in geheel wat kommer wek. Hierbenewens wil dit voorkom asof Suid-Afrika aan die voorpunt trek en dat ʼn internasionale verklaring van 2023 die werklikheid boekstaaf. Kenners het met

Selfoonverslawing “soortgelyk aan dwelms” Read More »

RSG: Verhoudings en tegnologie reeks

14 Februarie: Wat is die impak van tegnologie op ons emosionele ontwikkeling en verhoudings? Bron: 21 Februarie: Wat is die impak van tegnologie op die gesonde ontwikkeling van ons babas en kleuters en gesinsverhoudings? Bron: 28 Februarie: Wat is die impak van tegnologie op die gesonde ontwikkeling van ons jong kinders en tieners

RSG: Verhoudings en tegnologie reeks Read More »

Uniting South Africans against child abuse in the digital age

South Africa is in dire need of a hub where parents, caregivers, educators and stakeholders are empowered with knowledge about digital addiction, supported to stop giving devices to under-aged children as tech-babysitters, and where governments can be pressured to recognise and enforce the rights of children. “Children’s learning and overall healthy and balanced development are

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Die TechnoLife Wise-stigting skep bewustheid oor die effek van die oormatige gebruik van tegnologie op ons liggaam, hart, verstand en gees. Hierdie stigting se doel is om jou met kennis te bemagtig om verstandige tegno-keuses te maak sodat jy uiteindelik ’n gesonde, doelgerigte lewe kan lei. Luister gerus na die onderhoud met dr. Marlena Kruger

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