Majic Wave Rife Machine
The following paragraphs give a description of this unique health treatment machine and its accessories with different options to choose.
The Majic Wave’s objective is to help health-conscious individuals and their families live longer, healthier, and higher-quality lifestyles.
It is an outstanding tool supporting and strengthening the body’s natural immune response against most known attacks from pathogens. The machine stimulates organs, especially aging organs, to produce hormones, enzymes, vitamins, and other functions.
The Majic Wave also has a significant focus on stimulating brainwaves. The brain, its motivation, and its approach to dealing with illnesses are among the most critical factors of any speedy healing process. The machine generates electromagnetic waves of ultra-low and safe frequencies in the radio frequency wave Range between 0 and 100,000 Hertz.
The exact frequency and the shape of the wave in a block or square wave format are the two most important characteristics to deliver the desired effect. These waves enter the body at the one contact point and travel through the shortest route to the second contact point and back to the machine when applied through any of the direct applicators
Pathogens are the collective name for bacteria, viruses, fungi, flukes, and worms which are also referred to as parasites. Many pathogens are friendly and play an essential role in your food digestive system and cell regeneration. However, other pathogens are highly destructive and are the direct or indirect cause of most known illnesses and their symptoms.
Dozens of scientists worldwide invested millions of hours researching the effect of electromagnetic waves of a precise frequency on these pathogens. In most cases, a wave of the correct shape and frequency results in the pathogen “vibrating”, which exposes it to the white blood cells in the bloodstream to attack and destroy it. However, the wave itself can directly destroy the pathogen or have the effect that the pathogen loses its ability to consume healthy cells or reproduce and expand the colony size.
The Majic Wave can also massage and stimulate organs using low-spectrum and well-directed electromagnetic waves, which can have a myriad of benefits to the human body.
One example is the stimulation of blood flow. The stimulation of blood flow alone improves oxygen delivery to the brain and immune responses to every affected area. Most organs, such as the pancreas, kidneys, and glands, can be stimulated to improve their intended function, such as releasing molecules, enzymes, hormones, and others. It is especially aging organs that lose their youthful capabilities that can benefit optimally.
Software, capacity, and size
In addition to the 4223 pre-programmed conditions and illnesses, the products come pre-programmed with 100 groups. A group is a combination of conditions and treatments regarded as essential to treat specific chronic diseases.
To explain, the example of Lyme disease can be used: It would contain frequencies to treat relevant pathogens, detox, pain etc., all programmed to run consecutively. The Majic Wave offers a list of 50 recently used programs for ease of reference. Most of our clients constantly go back to the programs they treated recently and just occasionally seek new frequencies for new conditions.
Capacity for a further 100 programs is provided where users want to self-program groups. A person suffering from both Asthma and Hypertension can for example program their own group allowing for all relevant frequencies to treat this combination of treatments. Technological advancement has allowed us to make this fantastic machine weigh less than 200gr! It is 130mm long, 75mm wide x 30mm in thickness which allows for maximum ease of handling and application.
The Majic Wave is distributed in small pouches that double up as packaging material and as a pouch that can be worn around the waist. Wearing the pouch around the waist allows the user to carry the Majic Wave with them, while they are in the process of having treatment. It is also handy storage in which the Majic Wave and its accessories can be stacked away when not in use.
MAJIC WAVE RIFE MASSAGE MACHINE with all its accessories
Treatment options
Every Rife Machine’s biggest challenge is to deliver the pulse to the affected area such as an organ or wound, an inflamed area, or an underperforming organ. Historically, the handheld metal bars and footplates offered the best results as the wave enters the body in the one hand and follows the shortest route through the body to exit in the other hand and back to the machine. In the case of the metal bars, the arms and upper body would therefore receive optimum exposure to the electromagnetic wave.
Where the handheld bars previously offered the best result, we found that holding on to the bars for a long period becomes uncomfortable and would not allow the user to use their hand and very few of our clients still use it. Majic Wave still has handheld bars as an optional extra, however, new generation accessories can now assist in much-improved comfort of application and freeing up the user’s hands whilst delivering the waves even more accurately to the desired areas.
The price of the Majic Wave Rife Massage Machine is R7995.00 – depending on your choice of additional accessories.
This includes the following: Majic Wave Rife Massage Machine with USB charger, connector and applicators.
We have developed an extensive range of applicators for the buyer to choose from to meet his or her specific needs and unique conditions:
An applicator is a method used to bring the signal as it is generated by The Rife Machine to the desired area on the body for optimum efficacy.
Direct applicators
This applies to applicators that deliver the signal to one contact point on the body and exit at the 2nd contact point. Direct applicators are the most effective of the two methods and is recommended for use to deal with acute conditions.
You as the buyer now have the option of the following direct applicators as part of and included in the acquisition:
– A Set of wristbands, 5 Sets of electro-pads with 2 sets of connector cables
– Alternatively, if you prefer the handheld metal terminals.
Handheld metal terminals – optional
Should you wish to include both the abovementioned direct applicators an additional R300 will apply.
The Majic Waveoffers the following advanced features:
- Comfort
- A strong signal is delivered to the affected and desired body area.
- The ability to treat more conditions than ever before.
- Majic Wave now has two outlet points; each delivers similar waves that can be applied to two areas simultaneously.
- Flexible wristbands. The newly introduced flexible wristbands contain conductive silver fibers. It stretches comfortably over most hands and fits tightly around the wrist; this frees the hands up to do regular activities such as working on phones, and computers and eating while receiving treatment. For the best result, dampen the wristbands with some water from time to time to improve the conductivity.
Electro pads.
These are similar to the body pads used by TENS massage machines and are perfect for the user to bring the wave right up to the affected area. Remember that the wave follows the shortest route from the entry to the exit contact point. Place the pads in such a way that optimum exposure is assured in the desired area. Keep the pads in the best condition for as long as possible by rinsing them after every use.
The two outlets now allow us to operate both the wristbands/handheld bars simultaneously with the body pads to deliver waves more efficaciously. Remember that the brain, blood, and organs are all involved in the process and the outcome. Using both together significantly improves the effect when compared to traditional single outlet methods used.
Carrier bag
Your Rife machine gets delivered with this bag, you can use it to store the rife OR/AND wear it on your body “with a belt around your waist”. Now you can carry the Rife machine where ever you go.
(Also look at the Body Belt as another option).
Individual items: (If purchased separately)
Wristbands – R195 (2 per set) Plus R30 for connector cable = R225.00
Electro pads – R25 (2 electro pads per set) Plus R30 for connector cable = R55.00
Connector cable (single) R35
Indirect applicators
An indirect applicator is different in that the applicator forms an Electromagnetic Field (EMF) which is placed against a part of the body where the treatment is required.
These applicators in our range involve MATS of different sizes but now also BELTS which can comfortably worn around the waist of the user.
The Dual Accelerator choice contains two accelerators with the result that it has an even stronger EMF and larger application area than the single accelerator choices.
This method offers optimum application comfort and is also preferred by most clients. It is for this reason that we developed advanced “Accelerator” technology to provide the user with a much stronger EMF than ever before resulting in the most effective treatment
- Small-sized Comfi patch (20cm by 20cm)- Single accelerator technology @ R790 Extremely versatile and a favourite with most buyers. Easy to travel within the car or small enough to pack in your suitcase. You can sit on it or against it. Tuck it your clothes in the desired area. You can also sleep on the patch.
Medium accelerated Comfi mat – 400mm x 420mm @ R990, (with 2 accelerators). Perfect to use behind your chair at the office or watching tv or sleep on it for a single person treatment.
Large Comfi pad – 660mm x 1200mm @ R1150, currently still only available in the older antennae type technology. It is however the only product that can treat the upper body portion of a couple simultaneously or full body exposure for a single person.
The Majic Wave Massage Machine with its two outlet ports can be considered for use with two Small-sized Comfi patches or two Medium-sized Comfi mats for the purpose of treating a couple simultaneously during sleep. It is more expensive but it multiples better in its EMF reading as determined by the Gauss metering equipment.
Treatment Belts
These belts are used for people who have acute and chronic conditions. Or for someone who wants to use the Rife machine regularly and wants to have their hands free from cables. It can be worn under or over the clothes, this way you can still get Rife therapy throughout the whole day if needed.
- Small accelerated body belt with 1 accelerator/booster @ R1090
- Accelerated Comfi body belt – Large (with 2 accelerators/boosters) @R1500
Quality build, guarantee, and care
The new Majic Wave is manufactured by a highly professional and reputable manufacturing concern in South Africa. We offer a one-year walk-in guarantee against all manufacturing defects. As an electronic product that can be compared to a cell phone, it is sensitive to bumps and being dropped. However, the product should give many years of service should it be well looked after. The battery can be replaced after it’s normal work-life has expired.