Looking to live a happier and healthier life?        MindUnique Education helps families live a happy and healthy balanced life with the help of technology.


Welcome to MindUnique Education, where we want a beautiful REAL life for you and care about your integrative digital wellness. 

REAL life is beautiful! It is filled with textures, tastes, fragrances, colours, feelings, and people. Yet, we miss out on all these wonderful experiences when we become a slave to the digital world.

This enslavement is evident in people and children who experience health, neurological and learning disorders, such as burn-out and zombie- and autism-like symptoms. These symptoms are easily misdiagnosed and thoughtlessly treated with harmful medication instead of digging deeper to find the real cause. 

It is our mission to combat the ultimate outcome of enslavement or digital addiction to stop it from gradually degrading our human knowledge, skills, capacities, and values.

Let’s celebrate REAL life together! Let’s nurture your unique and amazing potential in all areas of your life with all its dimensions.

YOU are a wonderfully created human being.
YOU have UNIQUE talents with lots of potential
to optimise your REAL LIFE in all its dimensions. 
Don’t let the overuse of technology steal
YOUR REAL LIFE and prevent YOU from celebrating
a beautiful and meaningful life, filled with health,
happiness and heavenly peace in our digital-driven world.  


  • We are thankful for all the small and beautiful things in our lives!
  • We are grateful that we can move, touch, smell, taste, see and hear!
  • We appreciate all our blessings every day!
  • We love and respect ourselves, each other, nature, and all living creatures!
  • We live purposefully and love growing our unlimited potential every day!
  • We really love to empower and support you in many ways to live your best real-life ever in our techno-driven world!
  • Above all we love, praise and worship God Almighty who gives us awesome real-life experiences to celebrate and enjoy every day!

What we do


Cell phones, cell phone towers, Wi-Fi routers, and smart meters all have harmful electric and magnetic fields (EMF). Our WoWe® range of radiation-shielded products limits the harmful health effects of absorbed non-ionic and low energy EMF radiation.



This new techno-driven world requires the rebalance of new knowledge and skills. Our life-transforming and integrative digital wellness courses and coaching programmes empower parents, educators, and caregivers to become digital leaders.



Too much TV, computers, cell phones, thrilling and educational video games, the internet and scrolling through social media are like a drug for our brain. It affects inter alia the frontal cortex of the brain and has a similar effect as cocaine. Our Digital Rehab and Rebalance Real Life coaching programme help to reset and restore your health and well-being in a unique and integrative way.



Insomnia, headaches, depression, anxiety, neurological disorders, and cancer could be the result of overuse of the internet and social media as well as the over-exposure to harmful and pulsed EMF radiation. Our tailor-made integrative digital wellness (for health and well-being) packages support you in living a disease-free and healthy-balanced life.


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MindUnique Education is proudly supported by PPP Training Online.

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